Providing a safer bus transfer system
The Sierra Vista Bus Transfer Station is located at the intersection of Berry Street and Riverside Drive, in Fort Worth, Texas. The T currently has bus stops along both streets in this general vicinity. The existing bus stops produce a hazard to pedestrians, who must cross the heavily traveled roadways wanting to transfer form one bus to another. The KAI team designed a facility to replace these individual stops and allow for the safe transfer of passengers between buses. The design included paving and sidewalks, drainage and utility coordination.
The City of Fort Worth had established “Urban Villages” throughout various communities within the City. These villages provide unique characteristics to each community in which they were established. The Sierra Vista Transit Plaza sits within one of these Urban Villages. The Fort Worth Transportation Authority wanted to partner with the City in the development of the plaza and ensure that it tied well with the community concept.
The KAI design team developed a plan to ensure that our site tied to the community concept. This plan included taking on a context sensitive approach in the development of the site and coordinating with the community to ensure the design met their expectations.
The team, which consisted of a civil designer, an architect, structural engineer, landscape architect and an artist developed unique concepts for the site, which included the design of the bus shelters, distinctive elements in the sidewalk as well as the incorporation of one-of-a-kind artwork.
- Services

The Impact
A design representative of the community.
Distinctive artwork for the station was developed from a collage of colors, features and elements that are characteristic of the community. The shelters included panel colors that blended with the art work. A public meeting was held to obtain community feedback, and the attendees were very appreciative of the effort that went into developing a site that they felt a connection to and of which they were extremely proud.