Sanitary Storage Facility Tanks Help Alleviate Sewer Overflow in Community
With more that 9,600 miles of sewer lines, St. Louis is home to the country’s fourth largest sewer system—and one of the oldest. Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) has managed wastewater and stormwater issues for the City of St. Louis and approximately four-fifths of St. Louis County since 1954. KAI was selected by the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) to perform Construction Management for the Gravois Sanitary Storage Facility Tanks project.
Built on the former site of the city’s Public Works facility, the project included the construction of two 4-million gallon wire-wound pre-stressed concrete tanks, a pump station and cistern, a diversion chamber, a control building, odor control system, relocated sanitary sewer, consolidation sewers, appurtenances and associated site work. Also part of the scope of work was fiber optic cable relocation, off-site conduits for preferred and reserve power as required by Ameren, and a monitoring manhole.
- Services
Commissioning, Construction Management, Cost Estimating, Scheduling, Constructability Review, Construction Inspection, Bidability Reviews, M/WBE Coordination, Scheduling Review
The Impact
Protecting the Community
The project is aimed to alleviate sewer overflows and basement backups. During rain events, sewage is pumped to the storage tanks preventing the sewage backups into basements, overflows into Gravois Creek and overloading of downstream sewers. After each rain event, the sewage is released back into the sewer system once capacity becomes available.