Headquarters Entrance & Landscape Improvements
The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) selected KAI to provide Construction Management services for the construction of entrance and landscape improvements at their headquarters in St. Louis City. The project included three rain gardens and other native landscaping, parking lot resurfacing, a footbridge, and 467 lineal feet of 8-inch storm sewer pipe and appurtenances.
Previously inaccessible to visitors with limited mobility, the main entry plaza renovations also included new perimeter sidewalks and ADA accessible ramps. A new pavilion was constructed with a live roof garden. Overall, the plan incorporated many green infrastructure best practices recommended in the guidelines adopted by MSD to reduce stormwater runoff. Educational signs were placed throughout the gardens illustrating the flow of water through the site, each explaining stormwater management methods, describing measurable benefits of design solutions, and identifying native plant species. These signs also provide visitors with tips and inspiration for implementing green infrastructure practices in their own home landscapes.
- Services
Project Management, Construction Management, Schedule Data/Coordination, Cost Estimating, Construction Administration, Constructability Review, Bidability Reviews, M/WBE Coordination