CEO Michael Kennedy Jr. Discusses Construction Business Growth on AGCMO Podcast
“I started at KAI in Business Development and 19 years later here we are,” told Michael Kennedy Jr., CEO of KAI.
Kennedy Jr. recently sat down with AGC of Missouri president Leonard Toenjes for their weekly podcast and chatted about the journey that lead him into the “crazy world” of the AEC industry.
He looks back to the 1980s when his father, Michael Kennedy Sr., was just starting out on his own, trying to expand from offering solely architectural services to including engineering and eventually design-build services. This encouraged him to have his own entrepreneurial spirit, even as a teenager when he was running his own landscaping business in high school.
Listen to learn more about the struggles they have faced along the way overcoming the barriers to expand, the current challenges they’re facing with the “war for talent,” and the direction Kennedy Jr. believes the company is heading today.